Friday, February 28, 2014

DIY Distressed Booth Furniture

I made my own milk paint to distress this collapsible roll top table I made for my vendor booth.  I would love to do tutorials but I get into the process of creating/building and forget to do before pictures. Besides, I look to tutorials to figure out how to do stuff anyway--why recreate the wheel?  (I'll give links to tutorials at the end of the post).

Since I forgot to do a before picture, I snapped a shot of the underside of the roll top table I built for my booth (why paint it? No one is going to see it). 

I made milk paint from milk in my fridge that was near its expiration. I was assured by the many tutorials I read that the smell would go away once the paint dried, and it did.

Thank goodness for that. My living room smelled like the Kraft cheese plant I used to work at where they made the cheese for Macaroni and Cheese and other products--makes sense, milk curd/cheese...anyway. 

I love the look of the Gunstock stain I used on all my booth furniture, but I'm going for an Anthropolgie-type feel in my booth and didn't want all the furniture/fixtures to be the same, so I distressed it. 

I'm not sure my milk paint turned out like it should--thick consistency, and transparent color (I did three coats). Regardless, it turned out pretty good anyway. Because it went on the way it did, it distressed itself--very easy process. I've been interested in distressing furniture for a while, and since this was so easy I'm ready to distress something else.

I'm finished it off with some paste wax to protect it. Easy peasy. 

I looked at several tutorials on making your own milk paint (including Martha Stewart's site--go there) and distressing furniture  but since I used this gal's blog not only for the distressing, but also for the replica Pottery Barn easel I made for the booth, I will post a link to her site. 

I used this instructable as a jumping off point for my roll top booth table.