Tuesday, September 25, 2012

365 Days Project....Again

I believe that I have discovered a project that I can live with, and hopefully follow through.

Since I have been seriously contemplating the idea of full time RVing, I have thought about what I would take in my RV, what I would store (yes, I would have a {small} storage unit somewhere), and what I would give away, sell or toss.

That is when I came up with the idea of getting rid of something everyday.  Certainly there are 365 things in my house that I can get rid of.  It isn't very artistic and I had the idea that when I was on vacation it would be hard to get rid of things, so I thought on those days I would have to make art of something that you would normally get rid of -- a paper napkin for instance.

Then my daughter came up with a more artistic twist of this 365 Day project, saying that I should have to do something artistic with it before I got rid of it.

I haven't set any rules for this, yet.  I know that getting rid of a single pen would be cheating in my mind, and not everyday will be the 'cleaning out the closet' kind of day.

Since I don't like to throw away usable objects, I will put some up on my local freecycle site or drop at Goodwill or Salvation Army once a week.  I'll keep a bag in the garage and whatever I am getting rid of has to leave the house--that is a rule, I guess.

I will start today on my 365 Days of Discarding, and I already have a target--the old makeup in my bathroom under my sink!  I'm already thinking about artistic ways to use it!  I'll post a pic tomorrow.

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