Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Photo Booth Fear & Apron Envy

I have no idea why it took so long for me to make my photo booth (light tent)--I've had the supplies for at least a month now.  It was really very simple, maybe it was all the "instruction" up front that made it seem complicated--maybe it was...aw who cares, it's made and in use.  The step-by-step was easy to follow and here is the link to the tutorial.

I'm almost done photographing the pendants (and other stuff) that is slated to go up on the Etsy site which still doesn't have a shop name.  Any ideas?  Anything I pick is already taken or seems cheezy and picking a name seems so permanent and I want to do it right the first time.  Like, I saw someone on FB that markets his pottery as Speckled Dog Pottery--that is original.  Heck, I can't even decide which last name I want to use--I've had three.

After the photos it's on to organizing the shots and pricing, but what I really want to do is to make myself an apron.  I have been wanting to make myself an apron since last December when I made them for others and since I had the sewing machine out for one of my 365 Discards project, I figured why not?.

But the boss of me said I had to do the light box and photos first since I was already behind schedule.  So, a little more photography and then I can craft myself a cute little apron to protect my clothes from kitchen stains. Woot!

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