Friday, January 13, 2012

Cooking Day

The amount of posts on this blog about cooking will probably be sparse.  It's not that I don't like cooking, it's just that cooking in itself is an art that requires prep time, cook time, clean up time.  When I am busy, I just want some food fast, but don't want to have "fast food."

So, what I do frequently is make large meals and then freeze them in single servings. It's much healthier and less calories than eating out.  Last night I cooked chili and spaghetti with meatballs and I took some pics while doing it.

By the way, I also cook a pound of spaghetti and package it into 2 cups servings and freeze it in plastic bags. If there is ever an earthquake and water is limited, I'll have spaghetti to eat because I keep a jar of Ragu in the earthquake kit!

For my chili I altered the recipe a bit for the budget and for calories.  Where I usually put in 2 pounds of ground beef (I love my beef, but it is high in calories), I put in just one pound this time, added a chicken breast (it needed to be cooked), an extra can of tomatoes, and for fun added a can of corn.  This reduced the calorie count per serving by 157 calories!!!  Woot!

To cut down on prep time of meals during the week, I also like to get some garlic peeled and ready to go.

Time for some spaghetti with meatballs!  Yummy!

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