Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I haven't smoked all year!

I rang in 2012 as a non-smoker!

I quit 10 lbs ago.  With the holidays and my quitting, I had a hey day with food and I let myself have it.  I figured I wanted to focus on getting past the early stages of quitting before I started to stress myself out about weight too.

I am finding it a little difficult to stop the food train though.  If it all just hung at the caboose, I'd be all right, but...

I am proud of myself and it feels very real this time that I have quit!  Yay me.

I finished another apron and I will post it later when my model is wearing it.  It happens to be her apron too. Of course, the photos of the aprons would be better if she were taking them.  A good photo eye is necessary to make product look as it does in real life, and that is a skill that I did not acquire.

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