Thursday, March 15, 2012

Carrots, Apples and Broccoli, Oh My!

I made my first juice tonight with my donated juicer!
When I did my 101 List, one of the goals on that list was to "Make it a habit to eat at least five servings of fruits or veggies per day 5 days per week,"  and for someone who grew up on canned vegetables that task was turning out to be tougher than I thought it would.  It's funny how naming goals actually helps the universe put things in your path that can help you achieve them. 

I watched the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead this weekend and I really related to it.  It is about a man who decided to do a juice fast to reboot his body and heal it from the inside out.  I don't want to tell  you all the details here, but just know that it inspired me and I recommend watching it.  I was so inspired that I wanted to do the juice fast too!

Juicers are expensive and I am on a budget so I put out a request for one on a freecycle site that I belong to and I got one the same day--today!

Here is the plate of vegetables (and a fruit) that went into my carrot, broccoli, and apple juice. 4 carrots, 1 apple and 3-4 broccoli florets.
That is a lot of veggies to eat in one sitting isn't it?! Well for a meat and potatoes gal like me it is.  Easy when it is in a juice. And since I love fruit juices, I think I can totally get into this juicing thing.  Naked juice makes a "green machine" juice that I love and I am going to try to get as close to the flavor as possible, but adding more vegetables. Green veggies have the most nutrients and I'm hoping that I can find a way to make kale taste amazing in a juice because kale is super duper good for you.

It was a little messy at first.  My first glass didn't fit under the lip where the juice came out and the second one I tried didn't fit against the side well enough and it was spilling.  A coffee cup worked fine.  I ended up adding a couple ice cubes to make it colder and it was better that way.
I am going to spend some time over the next couple of weeks practicing with some recipes, and then I think I am going to do the juice fast.  I'll start with a 10 day and extend it to 30 days if the 10 days is bearable.  In the documentary, people talk about the fast resetting your taste buds so you are craving the veggies and fruits rather than the bad for you foods.  Here's hoping that is the case with me!

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