Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homemade Backpacking Stove

I am so stoked!   I made a Penny Stove yesterday.  It is an ultralight alcohol stove made from 2 soda (or beer if you prefer) cans. Get the directions here.

Okay, I actually made 2...and I am working on another--it's a little addictive.  I still have to make up the pot stand, but that will be easy.  I'll be using Everclear as the fuel because it has multiple uses (including the ability sterilize wounds and to drink it--not that I want to be wasted in the backcountry with a bunch of wild critters--gotta keep your wits about you--learned that in Yosemite with a bear and I wasn't even in the backcountry).

My first backpacking trip is scheduled for this weekend (unless the weather is bad).  The forecast says rain and snow -- yeah, snow in mountains above LA--who knew?!  And it is supposed to be cold--duh, huh--snow would need cooler temps.

Backpacking is on my 101 list and I have been researching the subject so I am excited to see if I like it.  I think I will.

It's interesting to see how things change in our lives.  I try not to say "never" to things because that is almost always an indicator that I will at some point.  I said "never" to mini skirts, bell bottoms and hipster pants and ended up wearing all of those.  I also believe I said that backpacking wasn't for me twenty years ago when I lived in Colorado and had a boyfriend who was super outdoorsy (crazy stuff like snow caves and snow camping). Now I want to backpack, kayak, and climb mountains.  Well, at least in theory.

Even if I don't end up liking backpacking (which I highly doubt), my ultralite stove will come in handy for car camping, day hikes, and will be a great addition to the earthquake kit.

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