Friday, March 9, 2012

A Morning Routine

In my quest to make changes in my life, (or mid-life crisis) I have been reading a number of books and blogs about getting more out of life, finding your authentic self, etc, etc, etc.

A common theme is to establish routines--especially morning and evening routines.  I feign routine! Or at least I think I do. Many of the items on my 101 list are about making a habit of something.  My reading of Simple Abundance is a daily routine--well, it is supposed to be.  So maybe my inner self desires routine--but where is the adventure in that?

This morning when I woke up, I wandered around my house wondering what to do with myself--no routine!  I finally made some coffee after snacking on some chocolate cake (Bill Cosby says it is fine for mornings) and having some milk.  Then it hit me!  I used to have a morning routine, but abandoned it when I gave up cigarettes and cable TV.

I used to light a cigarette pretty much before my body left the bed, and into the living room I would go.  I'd turn on the TV to make sure the world didn't blow up while I was sleeping, pop open a diet coke, make a pot of coffee and sit for about an hour with my first three cigs of the day.

That was a pretty stable morning routine for about 28 years. So, I guess maybe I don't feign routine as much as I thought.  Now it is just time to figure out something new and fulfilling for my mornings.

Do you have a morning routine and if you do, what is it?

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