Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Backpacking. Check!

I completed another item on my 101 Things to do in 1001 Days--Backpacking!
Well, it was on the list as take a backpacking course, but turns out I didn't need the course.  Saved some cash there. Cha Ching!
I joined a meetup group for LA Backpackers and lo and behold they did a trip that was targeted at beginners--even said to go rent the equipment if you didn't have any.

So, I rented a backpack for $12.00 (member price) at REI, used my own camping equipment, and the ultralight alcohol stove I made--which turned out to be a bust by the way, and away I went.  Well, away we went--my daughter did the trip too!

My pack weight was 25 pounds (but then I added a couple things, but no more than 28 pounds.

The hike was listed as moderate--but for out of shape me--it was strenuous!  Longest 2.5 miles of my life.  I bet the next time I do the hike, it won't seem as bad.  I have never sweat so much in my life--and it wasn't even hot--thank God!

The trail report said the first 1/4 mile was the hardest, so I expected it to be easy after that--nope--it was still up, up, up.  I intended to go with the rest of the group on the 5 mile day hike, but my body needed some rest before going any further. That kind of bummed me out, but I took it as a win that I did the hard part with the pack.

It was a great group of people, got lots of info and encouragement.  I will definitely be doing more backpacking.

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