Friday, April 6, 2012

Juice Fast: Day One

The first day went pretty good. Felt fine overall.  I need to drink more water, and learned that taking a juice with me to run errands is a good idea.  So I bought some to-go drink cups for the juice.  Also bought some herbal teas for some warmth.

Started the first day with some pure fresh squeezed orange juice.

Then I made 2 more juices for the day; Mean Green juice and Dracula's Dream Juice.  For the Dracula juice, I only used a half a beet instead of two (and glad I did-very earthy--but the beet was very large), added an extra carrot, some ginger and a kiwi.

12 oz of the Dracula Dream and 20 oz of Mean green. I drank the green juice in two sittings and the second glass was a little tart--so I may adjust the amount of green apple I put in it.

The Kale (one of the most expensive and most used ingredients) is going fast and so is the spinach (but that is cheap).

For the evening I made a gazpacho juice--tomatoes, green onion, garlic and cilantro.  The recipe called for basil, but I had cilantro.

Stats:  Kind of scary, but kind of not.  It is what it is.  In the flesh it is obvious I am overweight, but on paper it is very revealing.

Weight:  172.5 (ugh that was my full term pregnancy weight)
Chest: 45.5
Waist:  43
Hips:  45
Arms:  12
Thigh:  21
Calf:  15

Can't get any more honest than that, huh.

Onto day 2!

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